Love Yourz

Earplugs in, music bumping…

“..and life can’t be no fairytale, no once upon a time…”


That electric pulse tunneling through my veins. It’s just me, myself and I. Focus. That moment that I hit my wall on that high intensity speed interval that got me breathless as my mind and body are playing tug-of-war. That mind over matter factor. The very moment I tighten my laces on my spikes as I prepare myself for battle. Love in war. Every time I hear the word “quit” it sends an adrenaline rush through my veins making me want to prove everyone wrong, including myself. Every time I challenge myself, I learn to love myself a little more. My dreams, my goals, and most importantly my Vision. Creating opportunities. Motivating myself and others around me to excel higher.

“What’s money without happiness?”

And at the end of the day, I ask myself why? Why do I sprint? Why do I push my body and test its limits? Why do I wake up every morning with the soreness from yesterday yet choose to continue today? Stop. Ask yourself why not? Why not do the things you love that bring you genuine happiness? Why not push your body to its limits and break barriers. Because I can and I will. Personal growth.

What really distinguishes one person from another at the end of the day is their Focus. Focus distinguishes the great from the weak. Your concentration is impeccable, and no matter what obstacles you face, you don’t quit but you learn to overcome them. You don’t have to move an entire mountain in one day, but it’s about how you approach life’s challenges when they are hurled at you: one step at a time. Patience and dedication. When people ask you why are you still running or why haven’t I seen you run your race yet, you step back and smile because you know what they don’t know because they are in a completely different lane. You smile because they will never understand what running is to you from your soles. And in all this, you learn to trust and appreciate the process. In the process, you learn a bit more about you everyday. You learn to understand how your mind and body works. You learn what motivates and drives you. Your purpose? To find that light, to find your high. Find that thing that if you were to have it taken away from you, it would drive you insane and you would only go searching for it. And where do you find this light? There’s only one place to search and that’s from within. It’s in you.


You learn to really focus your attention on how you carry yourself and what kind of energy you surround yourself in. You learn to remove the negatives in your life and surround yourself with positivity. Sure, you’re going to have the negatives in your life that tell you no, but do these same people provide you with constructive criticism to lift you higher. Throughout your day you learn to concentrate your efforts and hone in your attention to what you read, watch and the conversations you indulge in. Whether it’s a motivational video to ball highlights, that energy I get from seeing other humans test and surpass their limits gets me amped and motivated to really strive for my best everyday. You are a positive light and you only shine brighter with the people that fuel your flame. Do the people you surround yourself with only want to party, eat out, drink and waste time or are the people you surround yourself with the go-getters, those who put their time to use and also have a bigger vision and one that includes helping you grow. Re-evaluate and differentiate between positive and negative energy. Learn to eliminate the negatives and illuminate the positive. Because when you hear a thousand voices around you, you’ll only look to that lone voice, your voice that tells you “Yes I Can”. That’s confidence.

“There’s no such thing as a life that’s better than yours”

At the end of the day, it’s you vs. yourself. There is no body else in that lane obstructing your path to success but you and your thoughts. It’s a kind of opponent that you can’t see but can feel. That feeling you get in a 4X100m relay race when you hear someone panting down your neck as they start to pick up their pace and you can hear the sound of their steps approaching faster and faster. What do you do? Are you going to stand there or push harder and take flight? Who is that person gaining ground on you? That’s you. That’s your fears, your doubts and your insecurities lined up side by side in this race we call life. You feel like the whole world is against you, but guess what? It’s only a battle against me, myself and I. You are invincible. Drown out the uncertainty with the sound of your own heart beat.

“Heart beatin’ fast, let you know that he alive”

Fuel that flame inside you with passion. Carry that momentum forward and soar high with that passion and never forget that battle you’re fighting inside you everyday.


“I’m tired of living with demons, cause they always inviting more”

Make a vision board. Think of the 24 hours you have in a day. What are you going to do with that time? What are you going to do with the next 48 hours, the day after that, the week after that, the month after and soon we have a year. But to be great, we have to start thinking in the hours, minutes and seconds we have. Think about the here and now. What are you going to do today that is going to propel you one step closer to your vision? Is that all you got? Look deeper, search harder, and drive faster. Let that fire ignite inside you. That’s love. So, love yourz,

Rise and shine.


“There’s beauty in the struggle, ugliness in the success”

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